Travels With Myself

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Wednesday is halfway through the week!

Now I know I'm here to volunteer an do my part but I have to say I and glad to be halfway through this week. There is a heat wave just now in costa rica and the air is thick and got with no movement. Working with seven hot children is hard for all of us as they get overheated and frustrated.
Today was such a contrast of emotions, the morning stayed slow with two children and we coloured in some pictures and played on the swings. I was bitten today, not badly and there were several bad tantrums but marlane, the lady in charge, in so firm with the time out chair that it does work and they do apologise!
In contrast today I taught the 3 older kids, who are between 4 and 5 to Scottish country dance! It was so funny and they were laughing and loving it. We needed some music so Marlane put on some regatone- a perfect combination! Also we picked oranges from her trees and peeled them for the children, they have a big snack of fruit at 10am and today they were happily munching on guavas, it's odd to see children eating what we scots would consider exotic fruit. So, while under the trees I felt something heavy land on my head and I knew it wasn't an orange! I tipped my head up and started shacking it an felt whatever it was scramble first onto myy ponytail and then onto and down my back. I shouted for Marlane and she said something, I never know exactly and pointed to a big lizard on the ground! It hard jumped onto my head!! It was pretty big about the length of one hand and a half. The kids were intrigued and scared and all ran to cling on to my shouting "sophia, sophia", I think I won valuable cool points!
Will tell you more about Cuidad Quesada on my next blogg, and describe where I'm staying and the surrounding area, xxxx


  1. Haha! I love lizards!! Maybe not on my head though...

    I am yet to teach some Scottish country dancing to my students...

    Love you

  2. sounds like they are warming to you......get it ....warning.hahaha bet the lizards was attracted to the beautiful head scarf!!! keep up the good work

  3. Hi Sophie,

    I like lizards. What colour was it? Do you think it had fallen out the tree or do you think someone climbed up the tree and dropped it?

    Love Ediex

    PS Hi Maddi

  4. Oh my love you must have got a big fright. I remember when the huge green grasshopper landed on your arm when we were in Italy! What did it look like? Could it have hurt you?
    Good to hear that the children were a bit nicer today. It will come slowly just keep smiling through all the tantrums.
    Love Mum xx

  5. Hi Edie! It was a green lizard with a puffed up neck in orange they said it was called a cameleon?! Hope you are enjoying school xxx

  6. Also Jonny- I used that bite sting relief thing u gave me and it's crazy it's electric shocks and sounds/ looks like a taser! And I've been bitten 8 times in one week!
