Travels With Myself

Monday 22 February 2010

Manuel Antonio

Hola chicos and chicas
today was a stressfull day, very hot weather, 7 gurney children resulted in them all crying at the one point I was left alone with them, muchos stress! One was punching another, two were having tantrums, one ran away and one was just joining in i think. The only child not crying was Reading a book and looking at me with contempt in my failure. Definately rethinking being a parent! Anyhoo I exercised my stress away by going to a zumba class, a Latino aerobics; think sean Paul, regatone And lunges! Soo much fun- you'd love this maddi!
So this weekend 7 of us went to manuel Antonio beach on the west coast, a six hour journey from where I'm staying. We stayed in a hostel by the beach which was beautiful scenery and there were hammocks and a outdoor cocktail bar, not bad!
We spent the first day by the beach and tried to avoid getting burnt. Which I didn't quite manage. In the evening we chilled in the hammocks with a quepos breeze, my new favourite drink. Some went out clubbing but I just lay about- perfect after my first week.
On the Sunday we went to the national park and saw monkeys, sloths, and giant lizards! It was a trail through a dense Forrest and there were animals amongst the trees. The paths all led to a breathtaking beach, unbelievably beautiful. And there were monkeys all by the trees in the beach just sleeping in the branches, it was magical.
Tomorrow I am going on a hike up the arenal volanco, I hope I see some lava!
Love to you all, miss you all so much xxx


  1. Sophie! I am massively jealous! It sounds amazing! Even though I am in India myself and doing fun things, I am still jealous! It sounds like those kids are challenging you - you seem to have a real fight (literally! :-p) on your hands! Which is good cos it curbs my jealousy somewhat! Haha. I have always wanted to go to Costa Rica and now I want to go even more! You will have to take me one day...Love you so much. Email me. xx

  2. Skipping over the part about screaming children and the zumba class (sounds like hard work) ....the beach, scenery and quepos breeze sound fantastic. So what's in this exotic drink?
