Travels With Myself

Sunday 21 March 2010

My fifth week in ciudad quesada

After a week of no blogging I have returned to update you on more of my stories and adventures. This week was very varied at volunteering and the days pass quickly as the routine is familiar and comfortable. This week the children were really fun to work with and I managed to do some good craft lessons with them. I taught them about mothers day in the u.k and we made tissue paper flowers for them to give to their mums at the end if the day. Most of the mothers are cleaners or cooks or farm workers and work long long days so I was hoping it would bring a smile to them after their day. I also made with them felt hand puppets with wobbly eyes and string hair! They loved though I got covered in glue and bits of felt. I think they are growing fond of me and I hear "sophia, "sophia" when I arrive and play with them. Some even come sit on my lap when I read to them at the end of the day. My goals with them are coming along, the older ones can almost count to ten in English and they now know they have to say please and thankyou before I let them do things! Installing good manners I am!
The elderly home is still going well and I have made a few friends in the residents and I take them for walks and listen to their stories, however I often do catch much as most of them have no teeth which makes understanding Spanish even harder! There is one man there called Monte Tigre, which means mountain tiger as he used to hunt jaguars and pumas as a living whenhe was young. He still walks around with a staff and a large purple cowboy hat and big leather boots with jeans tucked in. He is a very proud man and is interesting to talk to, though unfortunaty he has proposes to me
twice now and even offered to buy me off another volunteer, hmmmm. Another man who I speak to regularly is called Manuel, he is 72 and in a wheelchair and from the town if Limon. he has over eleven children and was never married and is in the home because he stash he never found a wife until he was too old to marry and no one would settle down with him. On Friday he was talking me and another voluteer, who is fluent in Spanish, about his family and his mother. He began to recount her death and started to cry, it was increbibly otional to have this man open up so much and share his lonliness. I began to cry soon and we held his hands until he felt better. It was so moving, it's hard to describe, I'm just glad I was there to listen.
In Friday three of us headed off to Alajuela, north of San Jose so we could attempt to see the Poas Volcano on Saturday.


  1. sounds like a tough but rewarding week. keep up the good work. although how can you resist a man called mountain tiger! .....i don't know if i could. also i am shocked you are using kid slave labour to make gifts, mind you can't say i am not surprised. look forward to the next installment.

  2. So many adventures, experiences and emotions...and it is only/already week 5!?

  3. Aww what an emotional story! I can just picture you sitting with this man crying. I'm sure he would have really apppreciated you listening to him. I love you....

  4. Oh Sophie, you are making me laugh and cry with your lovely blog! xx
